Join us

Instability, Turbulence & Pattern formation Group

Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, UK

We look for passionate and highly qualified undergraduate, Master and PHD students and Postdocs. If you are interested in join us, please feel free to contact us.

  • Current openings

The group currently has no openingss. We occasionaly have fundings for Postdoctoral and PhD position, and the advertisement will be posted here.

  • Postdoctoral opportunities

We welcome to any postdocs who want to work on theoretical and computational fluid dynamics. If you have an excellen track of record, consder applying for a postdoctoral fellowships. Successful fellows typically have some postdoctoral experiences. For application of a postdoctoral fellowship, e-mail us at least six months before you want to start. The postdoctoral fellowships available are:

  1. Imperial college research fellowship

  2. Newton international fellowship

  3. Marie Curie fellowship

  4. EPSRC postdoctoral fellowship

  5. Royal commission of the 1851 fellowship

  6. Royal academy of engineering fellowship

  7. Royal society university research fellowship

  8. Dorothy Hodgkin fellowship

  • PhD scholarship

Highly motivatied and qualified Master students are welcome to join us. To apply for these scholarship, contact us at least a month before the deadline.

  1. Imperial College President PhD scholarhip (Any nationality) -1st round deadline is around November.

  2. Chinese Science Council PhD scholarship (Chinese national only) - Deadline: early February.

  3. PhD scholarship for Department of Aeronautics (Stipend & Home fees only) - Deadline: Mid February.

  4. International schloarships - Deadlines are often very early. contact July/August a year before.

  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP)

We offer summer research opprotunities for highly motivatied and qualified undergraduate students from the College. The applicant is required to have a minimum GPA equivalent to first-class degree, and the must be good at Mathematics.

  1. Imperial College UROP schemes - Deadline: early February.