
Instability, Turbulence & Pattern Formation Group

Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, UK

The research topics in our group include, but not limited to:

Transition and turbulence in wall-bounded flows

Instability and control in bluff-body wake

Pattern formations and continuum modelling of active fluids

Modelling of intracellular processes

Multi-scale dynamics and state space of near-wall turbulence

Fluid Dynamics Seminar (2020) 

Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London 

Continuum modelling of active fluids beyond the generalised Taylor dispersion

Seminar in SIG on Biologically Active Fluids (2020)

UK Fluid Network

An optimisation-based quasilinear approximation for linearly stable shear flows

Talk in SIG meeting on Flow Instability, Modelling and Control (2020)

UK Fluid Network